Halloween Costume Guidelines:
If students want to come to school in costume to celebrate Halloween, costumes must meet the following guidelines:
Be respectful: Avoid stereotypes. Be racially sensitive and culturally appropriate. Students may not dress up as an ethnic or cultural group (i.e., a Mexican, a Geisha, a Native American, etc.). Skin color must not be altered in any way.
Be responsible: Recognize that students in a wide age range will see the costumes. Costumes should be family friendly. Masks may not ne worn. Costumes may not be gory or threatening. No fake blood is allowed.
Be safe: No hand- held accessories, real or pretend (i.e., wands or weapons) are allowed. Crowns or hats may be worn. NO MASKS.
Be kind: Costumes should be fun and exciting, not political or offensive.
Be understanding: Students may dress up as fictional characters if they follow the above guidelines.